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Dmitry Yurkin

Fighting Uncertainty in Software Development

I help companies and entrepreneurs create new software projects avoiding uncertainty and technical risks in the software development process.

Key competencies

Software Development Management.
Going 0 → 1 in Software Development Projects.

Requirements Management

Translating high-level concepts into detailed software requirements specification. Functional and non-functional requirements, user interface prototypes and data models.

Software Design

Software architecture design. Development of the technical specification for the developers, QA and devops.

Development Management

Backlog planning and management. Day-to-day management of development processes, addressing roadblocks and ensuring timely delivery of features.

Involvement Options

I am open to participate in the project from the initial stage and lead it to release. Depending on the specifics of the project, I may be involved on a part-time (fractional) or project basis.


  • Leading project. From scratch to release. Vision, requirements specification, software design, planning and development management.
  • Requirements Engineering. Vision, requirements specification, providing a clear pathway for project implementation for dev team.


  • CTO / Dev-Head. Management and supervising of all dev-related issues of the project.
  • Business/System Analyst. Identifying and translating needs into requirements, developing and maintaining requirements specification, supervising and addressing roadblocks.

On-demand Consulting & Audit

  • One-time consulting related to development management, software design or requirements engineering.
  • Regular involvement in areas of requirements engineering, software design and management on an hourly rate basis.

Expertise / Scope

Most of my experience is in designing and developing software solutions for online services and business software.

Online Services (Web/Mobile)

Multi-component b2b/b2c online services, containing one or more web/mobile applications and backend (familiar with both monolithic and microservices architecture).

  • Marketplaces (Services, Commodities, Hospitality and others)
  • Communication (real-time video/audio)
  • Education Services and LMS
  • Online Communities
  • AI solutions for online services

Business Software

Custom software for business process automation, resource planning and customer relation management with web / mobile applications as a user interface.

  • Custom CRM / ERP software
  • Business Process Automation Software
  • Customers/Partners Portals
  • SaaS software
  • AI solutions for business software

Technology Stack

Most often I have worked with the following:

  • Backend: PHP (Laravel / Symfony, legacy), Node.js, C#
  • Frontend: JS/TS frameworks (Vue, React) and old-fashioned (jQuery)
  • Data: Mysql, Postgresql, MongoDB, Sphinx, ElasticSearch, Redis, RabbitMQ, Memcached
  • UX, UI, Mockups: Figma, Axure
  • Requirements: Almware
  • AI: OpenAI API and on-premise models (primarily LLM)
rabbit mq
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